EASY Shopping: A Value-Added Service for Electronic Malls
Petra Schumann
International Journal of Electronic Commerce,
Volume 4, Number 2, Winter 1999-2000, pp. 99.
Abstract: With the commercialization of the Internet, a great many electronic shopping malls have been established. Their initial purpose was to provide the necessary infrastructure for participating suppliers to open on-line shops, and for consumers to more easily trace goods and services. Recent shut-downs of big electronic malls (e-malls) and press reports about unsatisfactory turnover, how-ever, suggest that e-malls need some kind of added value. A product advisory system for electronic malls is proposed that follows the example of traditional system- or cross-selling to solve complex customer problems. By automatically compiling bun-dles of products coming from different suppli-ers, the Event Advisory System (EASY) can increase the benefits for participating sellers as well as for customers.
Key Words and Phrases: Electronic mall, object systems, on-line product advi-sory system, product bundling, system selling, value-added service.