Volume 1, Number 1 (Fall 1996)
- Vladimir Zwass, Electronic Commerce: Structures and Issues
- Special Section: Diversity in Electronic Commerce Research. Roger Clarke and Joze Gricar, Guest Editors
- Ronald M. Lee and R.W.H. Bons, Soft-Coded Trade Procedures for Open-EDI.
- Jay J. Jiang and David W. Conrath, A Concept-Based Approach to Retrieval from an Electronic Industrial Directory.
- M.R. Hoogewegen and Rene W. Wagenaar, A Method to Assess Expected Net Benefits of EDI Investments.
- Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa and Blake Ives, Introducing Transformational Information Technologies: The Case of the World Wide Web Technology.
- Ho Geun Lee and Theodore H. Clark, Impacts of Electronic Marketplace on Transaction Cost and Market Structure.