Volume 6, Number 4 (Summer 2002)
Electronic Edition Released: June 2002
- Editor’s Introduction
- Judith Gebauer and Michael J. Shaw, Guest Editors, “Introduction to the Special Section: Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce“
- Chandrasekar Subramaniam and Michael J. Shaw, “A Study of the Value and Impact of B2B E-Commerce: The Case of Web-Based Procurement“
- Qizhi Dai and Robert J. Kauffman, “Business Models for Internet-Based B2B Electronic Markets“
- Mariëlle den Hengst and Henk G. Sol, “The Impact of Electronic Commerce on Interorganizational Coordination: A Framework from Theory Applied to the Container-Transport Industry“
- Boris Padovan, Stefan Sackmann, Torsten Eymann, and Ingo Pippow, “A Prototype for an Agent-Based Secure Electronic Marketplace Including Reputation-Tracking Mechanisms“
- Wonseok Oh, “C2C Versus B2C: A Comparison of the Winner’s Curse in Two Types of Electronic Auctions“
- Sidne G. Ward and John M. Clark, “Bidding Behavior in On-line Auctions: An Examination of the eBay Pokemon Card Market“