Volume 16, Number 4 (Summer 2012)
Electronic Edition Released: July 2012
- Panos E. Kourouthanassis and George M. Giaglis, Guest Editors, “Introduction to the Special Issue Mobile Commerce: The Past, Present, and Future of Mobile Commerce Research”
- Lara Khansa, Christopher W. Zobel, and Guillermo Goicochea, “Creating a Taxonomy for Mobile Commerce Innovations Using Social Network and Cluster Analyses“
- Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu, and Sumeet Gupta, “Disclosure Intention of Location-Related Information in Location-Based Social Network Services“
- Shintaro Okazaki, María Ángeles Navarro-Bailón, and Francisco-Jose Molina-Castillo, “Privacy Concerns in Quick Response Code Mobile Promotion: The Role of Social Anxiety and Situational Involvement“
- Haejung Yun, William J. Kettinger, and Choong C. Lee, “A New Open Door: The Smartphone’s Impact on Work-to-Life Conflict, Stress, and Resistance“
- Akinori Ono, Azusa Nakamura, Ayako Okuno, and Masayoshi Sumikawa, “Consumer Motivations in Browsing Online Stores with Mobile Devices“