International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir Zwass
Website Editors: J.P. Allen; Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
The #1-ranked Electronic Commerce journal
- Impact Factor 2021: 7.730
- Journal of AIS, 5, 2, February 2004
- Communications of the ACM, 45, 5, May 2002
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Current Issue: Volume 29, Number 1
IJEC is now available Online
Also Available:
- Zwass, Structure and Impacts of E-Commerce
- Zwass, Electronic Commerce and Organizational Innovation: Aspects and Opportunities, IJEC, Spring 2003
- Zwass, Co-Creation: Toward a Taxonomy and an Integrated Research Perspective, IJEC, Fall 2010
Abstracting and Indexing: IJEC is indexed/abstracted in Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents: Social and Behavioral Sciences, INSPEC, ISI’s Research Alert, The Computer Literature Index, SocialSci Search, Wilson Business Periodicals Index, Wilson Business Abstracts Full Text, and Wilson OMNIFILE.